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Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New 2013 from Metaverse TV

Hi Everyone,

Just thought I would pop in and say a few words! It's a new year, obviously, and with it come all those Resolutions that we may or may not keep. :-) For some years now, I sit down and do my goals for the year on New Year's Eve, it saves my waking up on New Year's Day with any regrets. It also focuses me for the coming year.

What do I want? and What do I REALLY want? Do I NEED it? I am sure you know the score. I was asked if I would go and talk on air about the past year and my immediate answer was nope I don't think so. This wasn't because I regret the past year. I don't. We had some amazing things happen. We had a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of moving forward as a company. We welcomed many new people into the company and saw some old friends move into new directions. It was a good year for us. We thank you all for that. It just means as a personal viewpoint, I dont  like to get into 'what if' territory?  Face your disappointments, your mistakes, learn and move on.

We started a new channel, which we are in the process of developing, MetaverseTVBusiness. We are really excited about it. The demand for it means that Virtuality is moving forwards. The edginess will soon be taken into everyday living. Of course with that always there is a little regret for everyone. Will we all as a virtual community lose our specialness as frontier folk? Nah. If you are a forward thinker that is what you are, full stop.

We all have our personal projects of course and our wishes, desires, hopes and fears. Goal setting is a fabulous way of turning dreams into reality. Good luck with your 2013. I hope to see you at Metaverse. Come and share them with us. We won't steal your dreams. We may be able to help you realise them.

Love to you all and the best of years,

Dousa Dragonash
Metaverse TV.

Apartment/Space Available S.S. Metaverse Satellite

Apartments are now available at the S.S.Metaverse Satellite

We have a show studio apartment for viewing  at 5 Planet Field


 These spaces are  great for live/work and we are happy for people to use them as their exhibition spaces though prim count is not high due to the need to conserve energy.
The Apartments need special people respecting the privacy of others due to the nature of the Satellite. 

This consideration is reflected in the prices of the apartments as L$200 weekly 100 prims

There are also cheaper apartments on the East side which can be hired daily allowing for pop up shops or workshops.

VIP Apartments will also be available at a slightly higher cost and will be duplexes. Same respect to
privacy will apply.