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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Very Sweet Lady Micol Choche of Second Life

Micol has passed away in RL during a long battle with  sickness. We want to make our condolenses to friends and family.

Manager and  CEO of Thera Taurog Designs at Mantova, friend to many models and designers, Melusina Parkin, MariaElena Barbosa of MEB, Nino Heartdale and all the HOH Models. Graduate of Look Elite Modeling Agency and close with the models and management there Laura18 Streeter, Kay Fairey and all at
Look Elite.  Algezares Magic her friend said "she was always sweet, friendly, helping everyone in everything...... always with high vitality"  I know all her friends agree as well as myself, she was so sweet
and always willing to help anyone and be a part a team and very friendly.  She was there greeting all during the Burlesque show we did and making everyone feel welcome.
Rest in Peace Dear Micol